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- (chorus):
- saludemos la patria orgullosos de
- hijos suyos podernos llamar
- y juremos la vida animosos sin
- descanso a su bien consagrar.
- de la paz en la dicha suprema siempre
- noble sono el salvador
- fue obtenerla su eterno problema,
- conservarla es su gloria mayor.
- y con fe inquebrantable el camino
- del progreso se afana
- en seguir en seguir
- por llenar su grandioso destino,
- conquistarse un feliz porvenir.
- le proteje una ferrea barrera contra
- el choque de ruin deslealdad
- desde el dia que en su alta bandera
- con su sangre escribio libertad!
- escribio libertad! escribio libertad!
- libertad es su dogma, es su guia, que
- mil veces logro defender;
- y otras tantas de audaz tirania
- rechazar el odioso poder.
- dolorosa y sangrienta en su historia,
- pero excelsa y brillante a la vez,
- manantial de legitima gloria, gran
- leccion de espartana altivez.
- no desmaya su innata bravura: en cada
- hombre hay un heroe immortal,
- que sabra mantenerse a la altura de
- su antiguo valor proverbial.
- todos son abnegados y fieles al
- prestigio del belico ardor,
- con que siempre segaron laureles de
- la patria salvando el honor.
- respetar los derechos extranos y
- apoyarse en la recta razon
- es para ella, sin torpes amanos, la
- invariable, mas firme ambicion.
- y en seguir esta linea se aferra,
- dedicando su esfuerzo tenaz
- en hacer cruda guerra a la guerra; su
- ventura se encuentra en la paz.
- (chorus):
- mother country,
- thy people salute thee!
- proudly the name
- of thy children we bear,
- and with bold and untiring devotion
- to thy service
- our lives let us swear.
- never tiring, her people have battled
- to preserve and guard their liberty:
- and with valor have a 1000 times over
- broken the powers of base tyranny.
- for, though brilliant and sublime is
- her story, yet it tells of her blood
- and suffering beside, and in this is
- revealed her true glory
- and her noble and stoical pride.
- all her sons shall be
- heroes immortal;
- they are daring, resourceful,
- and bold;
- for their bravery is a tradition
- and they fight
- like their fathers of old.
- they will follow
- this ancient tradition
- which has won for them
- undying fame,
- since with ardor, self-denying and
- faithful, they kept
- spotless their motherland's name.
- her ambition is firm and unchanging,
- to respect and observe others rights
- is her pride;
- to maintain ever pure
- the fount of justice
- where uprightness and trust
- are allied.
- she will follow this path
- with devotion
- and with courage
- which never shall cease,
- for, although she gives battle
- with battle,
- her most fervent desire is for peace.